愛呼嚕愛說話 LovingPurrTw's MurMur

愛呼嚕是一註冊於TICA的貓舍,主力於繁殖純種(pure breed)的Blue與Lilac色系的英短。一切繁殖皆遵照TICA等國際貓協會的規範,並提供合格文件(Registration Doc. & Pedigree)予飼主。目前所有英短皆直接從英國帶回,皆由GCCF或FIFe轉登錄至TICA。


None of LovingPurrTw's kittens has been released to other people for breeding purpose. All the news of our kittens is published on our website. Please contact and confirm with us for any of your uncertainty directly. Hope you would enjoy browsing our site and albums. :) LovingPurrTw@gmail.com

目前分類:About breeding (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2010-05-26 觀念分享 -- 近親繁殖 (1359) (5)
2010-05-13 英短的標準 - TICA版 (5083) (0)
2009-10-21 純種貓/貓舍 = 近親繁殖?! (6690) (6)
2009-10-11 結紮?早期結紮(Early age spay/neuter) (441) (1)
2009-05-08 貓血型的重要性 -- The importance of feline blood groups/types (586) (1)
2009-03-28 Cattery。計畫。 (235) (1)
2009-03-15 Loismhor Cattery - such a nice breeder (123) (0)